20,000+ reviews

Unique flowers & gifts delivered by local florists across the U.S.

  • What you see is what you get guarantee
  • Same-day & next-day delivery
  • Over 4000 lovingly-made, seasonal bouquets to choose from

Discover Flowers


$160 - $270


By The English Garden




By SAHOLA Flower Fashion Boutique

Creamy Garden Creamy Garden


Creamy Garden

By Sunny Florists

Mother's GardenMother's Garden

$120 - $150

Mother's Garden


Live & Love BoxLive & Love Box


Live & Love Box

By BLOMST Los Angeles

A Bit of BurgundyA Bit of Burgundy


A Bit of Burgundy

By Orchid Republic

Fuchs GardenFuchs Garden


Fuchs Garden

By Shus Flower

Forever Yours Forever Yours


Forever Yours

By Flowers of the Valley




By Bloom Couture Studio




By Bloomie Flower Studio

Top Rated

Bianca Flower BoxBianca Flower Box


Bianca Flower Box

By BLOMST Los Angeles

Be mineBe mine

$99.99 - $184.99

Be mine

By Lovely Blooms Decorations Corp

Cube FunCube Fun


Cube Fun

By Sunny Florists

Desert arrangementDesert arrangement


Desert arrangement

By BLOMST Los Angeles


$165 - $349.99


By Lovely Blooms Decorations Corp

Free Spirit in CubeFree Spirit in Cube


Free Spirit in Cube

By Sunny Florists

Herbs & RosesHerbs & Roses

$175 - $348

Herbs & Roses

By BLOMST Los Angeles

Sweet pinkSweet pink


Sweet pink

By Lovely Blooms Decorations Corp

Creamy Garden Creamy Garden


Creamy Garden

By Sunny Florists

A  Magical MiniA  Magical Mini


A Magical Mini

By BLOMST Los Angeles


Delivery Today

Be My ValentineBe My Valentine


Be My Valentine

By Shus Flower

Cube FunCube Fun


Cube Fun

By Sunny Florists




By Lovely Blooms Decorations Corp

Flower ChildFlower Child


Flower Child

By Orchid Republic

Field of SpringField of Spring


Field of Spring

By Bloom Couture Studio


$185 - $200


By Le Jardin Rose




By Bloomie Flower Studio

Double OrchidDouble Orchid


Double Orchid

By Green Fresh Florals + Plants

Contemporary vintageContemporary vintage

$99 - $145

Contemporary vintage



$160 - $270


By The English Garden

Hydrangea splashHydrangea splash


Hydrangea splash

By SAHOLA Flower Fashion Boutique

Fruit Gourmet BoxFruit Gourmet Box


Fruit Gourmet Box


Lavender PerfectionLavender Perfection


Lavender Perfection

By Flowers of the Valley

Fifi BouquetFifi Bouquet

$138 - $255

Fifi Bouquet

By BLOMST Los Angeles

Fuchs GardenFuchs Garden


Fuchs Garden

By Shus Flower

Classic Rose BouquetClassic Rose Bouquet

$125 - $335

Classic Rose Bouquet

By Sunny Florists


$135 - $240


By Lovely Blooms Decorations Corp

Chiffon RoseChiffon Rose

$309 - $579

Chiffon Rose

By Orchid Republic

Blanc de BlancBlanc de Blanc


Blanc de Blanc

By Bloom Couture Studio




By Le Jardin Rose


We were tired of ordering generic bouquets that didn't live up to expectations, so we launched Floom—a marketplace where top U.S. florists design unique, high-quality arrangements. Each bouquet is crafted with care by vetted local florists, ensuring that every order is as special as it looks online.

Why send flowers with Floom?

What you see is what you get

What you see is what you get

Love the bouquet on your screen? That's exactly what our local florist will prepare freshly for your order... or your money back!

Always unique, never generic

Always unique, never generic

We only work with the most talented and unique artisans, and we're passionate about supporting our skilled family of florists.

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Each of our orders is professionally arranged, wrapped and safely delivered with a hand-written card… on the exact day that you need it.

Custom-Crafted to Fit Your Unique Needs

Looking for the perfect gift for someone special? Our artisan florists expertly craft stunning flower arrangements for any occasion. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or just because, we create unique bouquets that you can rely on, and are sure to impress.

Hear what our happy customers have to say

Floom note card

Every bouquet signed-sealed-delivered with love

Our hand written gift messages make your delivery all that much more personal. And to top it off it’ll always come on our beautiful Floom branded notecard, sealed safely away in a envelope, protected from any nosy eyeballs until it is placed in your recipient’s hands

Shop Bouquets

A little about us

At Floom we’re proud to be bringing the local florist experience online, reminding people just how special it is to both send flowers and have flowers delivered to you.

We aim to combine a beautiful to look at, easy-to-use, and flexible flower delivery service with the spark and magic that only the most passionate and skilled local florists can bring to a bouquet. We handpick every florist that we work with to ensure they share our values and our commitment to providing amazing online flower delivery experiences.

When you order flowers online, we don’t believe you should simply be a last-minute gift choice (though our same-day flower delivery option does help with that!). Flowers at their best can truly excite the senses, whatever the occasion, whatever the location: from Mother’s Day flowers in Bristol to Valentine’s Day flowers in London.

Every item that you see on our site is utterly unique to the local florist who crafts it, which means it will also be unique to the sender and loved one who receives it. We don’t believe in providing our florists with generic guidelines, instead, we let them create bouquets based on nature’s seasonality and their own creative instincts.

We’re truly ambitious in our aims to build a global community of flower lovers, and spreading floral joy is what we’re all about! We try to give our community as many opportunities to send flowers with the majority of our florists offering same day flower delivery, perfect for those last-minute gifts.

Are you a passionate florist based in the U.S.?

We're always on the lookout for talented, independent florists to join the Floom community! As a partner, you'll retain your unique style and creativity while expanding your reach to more flower enthusiasts, thanks to our loyal and growing customer base. Become a Floom partner and grow your business with us!

Sell on Floom
Florist preparing flowers

Our most frequently asked questions

How can I send flowers across the U.S.?

Browse our shop, then enter your zip code to view available bouquets from local florists in your area. Pick your favorite arrangement from hundreds of bouquets, and we'll take care of the rest!

Does Floom offer same-day flower delivery in the U.S.?

Yes, we offer same-day delivery in key U.S. cities when you place your order by 1pm. For next-day delivery, ensure you place your order by midnight.

Can I get flowers delivered in the U.S. on a Sunday?

Sunday delivery is available through select florists. Simply filter by your preferred date in the shop section in order to view all the bunches by florists who deliver on Sundays.

Can I schedule a future flower delivery?

You can schedule deliveries up to 45 days ahead. If that's not far-out enough just tell us your special dates by filling out this form and we will be sure to remind you!

Do you offer eco-friendly flower delivery options?

Many of our U.S. florists use sustainable packaging and source seasonal flowers. Supporting local florists instead of sending a shipment across the country also helps lower your carbon footprint.

Can I add extras like chocolates or cards to my flower delivery?

Yes, you can enhance your order with extras like chocolates, candles, or balloons. Just use the 'add-ons' filter when browsing our selection to make your choices.

Can I include a personalized gift message with my order?

Absolutely! Your message will be handwritten on a Floom notecard and securely sealed for a personal touch.

What happens if the recipient isn't home?

During checkout, you will have the choice to tell us what to do if the recipient isn't available. For example you might opt for us to find a safe place, or to leave them with a neighbour. Your thoughtful gift will be safe and ready to bring joy when they return.

What payment options are available?

We accept a variety of payment methods, including all major credit cards—Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover—as well as Apple pay. Enjoy a seamless and secure checkout experience.

How are my flowers protected during delivery, and what if they arrive damaged?

We prioritize the safe delivery of your flowers. In the unlikely event of any damage during transit, please reach out to us, and we will quickly address the issue to ensure your satisfaction. You can learn more about that process here.

How long will my flowers last?

Bouquets can last between 5 to 14 days, depending on the flower type. Following our care tips can help extend their life.

How can I make my flowers last longer?

To extend the life of your flowers, keep them away from heat and direct sunlight. Change the water every three days and trim the stems regularly. For more detailed care tips, check out our guide.

Do you deliver out of the US?

Sure do! We also have florist partners across the U.K. (infact we launched there in 2016) Simply toggle between the flags at the top of this page to switch between our U.K. & U.S. offerings. Or browse the UK shop.